Estimates provide an approximation of timing and charges to you the client. It is possible for unexpected complications to cause some deviations from the original estimate. We will notify you of any changes and prepare a revised estimate providing the labor costs and any additional parts needed. Deposits on work on are non-refundable, no returns on special ordered items or electrical parts. There is no warranty for used parts or customer provided parts.
All Brake Pads have a limited lifetime warranty on the part themselves not the labor.
All Brake rotors have a two year limited warranty on the part themselves not the labor
All Batteries come with a 1year, 2year or 3 year warranty depending on the battery that was purchased.
All work is warrantied for 30 days from repair date and only good if there are no defects to the part from misuse or caused by the customer or another shop. This applies to all mechanical work.
Paint and bodywork warranty is 1 year from date of completion, against cracking, fading, peeling. Paint must be taken care of by the customer, after care is important. Washing, waxing, and keeping the new paint clean. It does not warranty against dents, scratches, other forms of physical damage from misuse or chemical damage. There is no warranty if preparation work is done by the customer or anyone else other than Patriot Automotive and Repair LLC. Vehicle will be photographed before work is started and once again when work is completed.